That fact makes things much easier because otherwise determining the value to put in the bfOffBits field of the BITMAPFILEHEADER would be complicated by the fact that in most other cases there’s also a variably-sized color table following the BITMAPINFOHEADER and the start of the pixel array.)
import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import * import win32clipboard from win32con import * import sys
class BITMAPFILEHEADER(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 1 # structure field byte alignment _fields_ = [ ('bfType', WORD), # file type ("BM") ('bfSize', DWORD), # file size in bytes ('bfReserved1', WORD), # must be zero ('bfReserved2', WORD), # must be zero ('bfOffBits', DWORD), # byte offset to the pixel array ] SIZEOF_BITMAPFILEHEADER = ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)
win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: if win32clipboard.IsClipboardFormatAvailable(win32clipboard.CF_DIB): data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32clipboard.CF_DIB) else: print('clipboard does not contain an image in DIB format') sys.exit(1) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Same as the standard C memmove library function: copies count bytes from src to dst. dst and src must be integers or ctypes instances that can be converted to pointers.
ctypes.memset(dst, c, count)
Same as the standard C memset library function: fills the memory block at address dst with count bytes of value c. dst must be an integer specifying an address, or a ctypes instance.
r = requests.get(url='')# 最基本的GET请求 r.encoding = 'utf-8' r = r.content print r
selector = etree.HTML(html) File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2953, in lxml.etree.HTML (src\lxml\lxml.etree.c:66734) File "parser.pxi", line 1780, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src\lxml\lxml.etree.c:101591) ValueError: Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. Please use bytes input or XML fragments without declaration.
defisequal(output,right_output): if output == right_output: returnTrue else: printu'不相等'
unittest supports test automation, sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework. The unittest module provides classes that make it easy to support these qualities for a set of tests.